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Arduino Water Usage Monitoring Kit

This Arduino Water Usage Monitor will monitor your tap water usage duration and alert you if you are using too much water! This will help you to conserve water and reduce utility expenses.




    Seeed for Earth 2018: Water waste monitor - YouTube

    Source: MD R. Islam on


    It is studied that 1.7 trillion gallons of water are wasted on average every year. Water wastage may limit its availability to other communities, especially in areas where shortages are common. It will also lead to adverse environmental effects such as global warming. Furthermore, it will cause your monthly utility expenses to increase! How can we stop water wastage then?

    There are many times where we don’t even know that we are wasting water while we are. This Arduino Water Usage monitor will therefore monitor how long have we been turning on the water tap. If the tap is turned on longer than a preset time, the buzzer will let out a beep! A text will also display on the screen to tell you that excessive water has been used. This way, you can ensure that minimal water will be wasted each time you use the tap!

    If you’re worried that you might not be able to make this project by yourself, MD R. Islam on had created a guide that you can find below. The guide will list down the various components you need to make this project, that is found in this kit. A prewritten code is also provided for you to quickly get things running without fumbling around with much programming. Thanks to the creator of this guide, beginners and experts alike will have an enjoyable process constructing this kit!

    Photo by MD R. Islam on

    Furthermore, this Arduino Water Usage Monitor kit is made up of entirely Grove products; Grove Beginner Kit for Arduino, Grove - 16X2 LCD RGB Backlight Display and Grove - Sound Sensor. Seeed’s Grove lineup aims to enable users to prototype and learn technology without the struggle of wiring and soldering. With Grove, you can connect the various modules to the main Arduino Board without any soldering!


    • Create your own DIY Water Usage Monitor to help you conserve water
    • Built-in buzzer to alert you if excessive water is used
    • Built-in screen to display the status of the Water Usage Monitor
    • Easy-to-use modular Grove ecosystem accelerates hardware prototyping process
    • Seeeduino Lotus - Combination of an Arduino and a Grove Base Shield with built-in Grove Connectors

    The Grove Beginner Kit for Arduino comes with 10 different Grove modules and a Seeeduino Lotus, with all of them being plug-and-play compatible. Besides building the Arduino Water Usage Monitor, the kit can also be used for 12 other projects that can be found in the guides below! You will learn the fundamentals of Arduinos and electronics with the Grove Beginner Kit.


    • Water Usage Monitoring System

    • Grove Sensors for other projects

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